Carl Weber’s The Family Business is a crime drama series that follows the Duncans, a family of criminals who run a funeral home in Harlem. In the series’ fourth season, the family is faced with a new set of problems and must use their ingenuity and cunning to stay one step ahead of the law. In the first episode of the season, the Duncans must find a way to keep their business running while their matriarch is in prison.
Setting the Scene
The episode begins with the Duncans coming to terms with their matriarch, Charlotte, being arrested and imprisoned. With her in jail, the family must find a way to keep the funeral home running without her. As the episode progresses, the Duncans must also contend with a rival funeral home that is trying to take over their business.
The episode also introduces a new character, Angel, who is a former associate of the Duncans. She is hired to help the family with their legal troubles, but her loyalties are quickly called into question.
Conflict and Resolution
The episode centers around the conflict between the Duncans and their rival funeral home. The Duncans must find a way to keep their business running while also dealing with the legal issues that come with Charlotte’s imprisonment.
The Duncans manage to find a way to keep the funeral home afloat, but their problems are far from over. As the episode progresses, it is revealed that Angel has been working with the rival funeral home to bring down the Duncans. In the end, the Duncans are able to outwit their rivals and keep their business running.
Family Dynamics
Throughout the episode, the family dynamics of the Duncans are explored. Each member of the family must find a way to deal with Charlotte’s imprisonment and the threat of the rival funeral home.
The Duncans are forced to rely on each other to keep their business running, and it is clear that they have a strong bond. They are able to use their ingenuity and cunning to outsmart their rivals and come out on top.
The episode also introduces a new character, Angel, who is a former associate of the Duncans. She quickly forms a bond with the family and helps them with their legal troubles. In the end, she proves to be a loyal ally and helps the Duncans out of a difficult situation.
Carl Weber’s The Family Business is a thrilling crime drama that follows the Duncans, a family of criminals who run a funeral home in Harlem. In the first episode of the fourth season, the Duncans must find a way to keep their business running while their matriarch is in prison. The episode is full of suspense and intrigue, as the Duncans must use their wits to outsmart their rivals. The episode also explores the strong bond between the Duncans and the loyalty of their new ally, Angel.